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n 教育及工作经历

u 2023.03-至今 云南农业大学植物保护学院 优聘教授

u 2017.03-2023.03 福建农林大学植物免疫研究中心 金山学者特聘教授

u 2013.03-2017.02  美国俄亥俄州立大学 博士后

u 2006.08-2013.02  中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 博士

u 2002.09-2006.06  中国农业大学 学士

n 研究方向

u 通过正、反向遗传学的方法克隆调控水稻免疫抗性的重要基因并对其功能深入分析

u 鉴定稻瘟菌重要效应因子在水稻中的作用靶蛋白,深入揭示其干扰水稻基础抗病反应的分子机理

u 利用群体遗传学,从云南省丰富的水稻种质资源中挖掘新的稻瘟病抗性基因,设计分子辅助选择标记,开展抗病水稻新材料的创制和抗病品种的选育

u 基于植物次生代谢产物研发抑制作物病原菌新型材料

n 研究项目

u 福建省科技重大专项“福建省水稻重大病虫害绿色防控技术研发及应用”(编号: 2022NZ030014)2022-2025,项目主持人

u 国家自然科学基金-国际(地区)合作与交流项目受氧化还原水平调控的细胞周期蛋白在水稻与稻瘟菌互作过程中的功能研究(编号: 31911530181)2019-2021,项目主持人

u 国家自然科学基金-青年项目“水稻叶绿体铁氧还蛋白介导免疫反应的分子机理研究(编号: 31701777)2018-2020项目主持人

u 福建农林大学校杰青项目“水稻与稻曲菌之间的互做分子机理(编号: xjq201708)2017-2020项目主持人

n 代表性论文

u Lu MF#, Chen JH#, Meng H, Mo GL, Liu YH, Chen FP, Wang ZH, Wang M*. (2023). Rice ferredoxin OsFd4 contributes to oxidative stress tolerance but compromises defense against blight bacteria. Crop Journal, doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2023.04.003.

u Niu YQ, Huang XG, He ZX, Zhang QQ, Meng H, Shi H, Feng BM, Zhou YC*, Zhang JF, Lu GD, Wang ZH, Zhang WL, Tang DZ, and Wang M*. (2022). Phosphorylation of OsTGA5 by Casein Kinase II Compromises Its Suppression of Defense-related Gene Transcription in Rice. Plant Cell, 34: 3425-3442.

u Zhang YJ, Yu QL, Gao SL, Yu NN, Zhao L, Wang JB, Zhao JZ, Huang P, Yao LB, Wang M*, Zhang KW*. (2022). Disruption of the primary salicylic acid hydroxylases in rice enhances broad-spectrum resistance against pathogens. Plant Cell and Environment, 45, 2209-2223.

u Tian XY, He DD, Bai S, Zeng WZ, Wang Z, Wang M*, Wu LQ*, Chen ZC*. (2021). Physiological and molecular advances in magnesium nutrition of plants. Plant Soil 468: 1-17.

u Bao JD, Wang R, Gao SL, Wang Z, Fang Y, Wu L, Wang M*. (2021). High-quality genome sequence resource of a rice false smut fungus Ustilaginoidea virens isolate, UV-FJ-1. Phytopathology 111: 1889-1892.

u Wang M*, Gao SL, Zeng WZ, Yang YQ, Ma JF, Wang Y*. (2020). Plant Virology Delivers Diverse Toolsets for Biotechnology. Viruses 12: 1338.

u Tian DG#, Yang F#, Niu YQ#, Lin Y, Chen ZJ, Li G, Luo Q, Wang F*, Wang M*. (2020). Loss function of SL (sekiguchi lesion) in the rice cultivar Minghui 86 leads to enhanced resistance to (hemi)biotrophic pathogens. BMC Plant Biology 20:507.

u Tian DG, Lin Y, Chen ZQ, Chen ZJ, Yang F, Wang F*, Wang ZH*, Wang M*. (2020). Exploring the Distribution of Resistance Alleles at the Pi2/9 Locus in Major Rice Producing Areas of China by a Novel Indel Marker. Plant Disease 104:1932-1938.

u Tian DG, Guo XR, Zhang ZJ, Wang M* and Wang F*. (2019). Developing Improved Lines of Hui 316 with Introgressed Resistant Genes to Rice Blast by Marker-assisted Selection. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 33: 1195-1203.

u Wang M, Rui L, Yan HJ, Shi H, Zhao WY, Lin JS, Zhang K, Blakeslee JJ, Mackey D, Tang DZ, Wei ZM and Wang GL*. (2018). The major leaf ferredoxin Fd2 regulates plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant Pathology 19:1377-1390.

u Zhang BW#, Wang M#, Tang D, Li YF, Xu M, Gu MH, Cheng ZK*, Yu HX*. (2015). XRCC3 is essential for proper double-strand break repair and homologous recombination in rice meiosis. Journal of Experimental Botany 66:5713-5725.

u Wang M#, Tang D#, Luo Q, Jin Y, Shen Y, Wang KJ and Cheng ZK*. (2012). BRK1, the Bub1-related kinase, is essential for generating proper tension between homologous kinetochores at metaphase I in rice meiosis. Plant Cell 24: 4961-4973.

u Wang KJ#, Wang M#, Tang D#, Miao CB, Hu Q, Lu TG and Cheng ZK*. (2012). The Role of Rice HEI10 in the Formation of Meiotic Crossovers. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002809.

u Wang M, Tang D, Wang KJ, Shen Y, Qin BX, Miao CB, Li M and Cheng ZK*. (2011). OsSGO1 maintains synaptonemal complex stabilization in addition to protecting centromeric cohesion during rice meiosis. Plant Journal 67: 583-594.

u Wang KJ#, Wang M#, Tang D#, Shen Y, Qin BX, Li M and Cheng ZK*. (2011). PAIR3, an axis-associated protein, is essential for the recruitment of recombination elements onto meiotic chromosomes in rice. Molecular Biology of the Cell 22:12-19.

u Wang M, Wang KJ, Tang D, Wei CX, Li M, Shen Y, Chi ZC, Gu MH and Cheng ZK*. (2010). The Central Element Protein ZEP1 of the Synaptonemal Complex Regulates the Number of Crossovers during Meiosis in Rice. Plant Cell 22: 417-430.

u Yu HX#, Wang M#, Tang D, Wang KJ, Chen FL., Gong ZY, Gu MH* and Cheng ZK*. (2010). OsSPO11 is essential for both homologous chromosome pairing and crossover formation in rice. Chromosoma 119: 625-636.

n 专利

u 王莫;康振辉;陈秋实;黄健;时华;黄慧;陈凤平;王宗华;鲁国东;曾文治(2023)一种可广谱抑制水稻病原菌的碳纳米制剂及其制备方法和应用。

u 王莫;牛雨晴;黄晓光(2022)水稻基因OsTGA5及其在水稻抗稻瘟病中的应用。

u 王莫;陆民锋;时华(2022)水稻基因OsFd2及其在水稻抗稻瘟病中的应用。